
Research Institutes:
‧ Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
‧ Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
‧ Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah
‧ Caltech Seismological Laboratory
‧ Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
TEC - Taiwan Earthquake Research Center
‧ Central Geological Survey
‧ CIDER - Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research
National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)
‧ Earth Science Research Promotion Center

Earthquake Bulletin:
‧ Central Weather Bureau
‧ USGS - US Geological Survey
‧ SCEC - Southern California Earthquake Data Center

Data Centers:
Earthquake -
‧ ISC - International Seismological Centre
‧ USGS - Search Earthquake Archives
Waveform -
‧ IRIS - Wilber3
‧ IRIS - WebRequest
‧ Palert waveform database
Focal mechanism -
‧ Global CMT Catalog Search
‧ BATS - Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology
‧ SCARDEC - Source Time Functions Database
Finite fault model -
‧ Finite-Source Rupture Model Database
Strong-motion data -
‧ Engineering Geological Database for TSMIP (EGDT)
‧ Strong Motion and Mobil Seismic Networks
Rotational seismology -
‧ Rotational seismology event database
Tsunami data -
‧ Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART)
Oceanography -
‧ 科技部海洋學門資料庫 (ODB)
Landslide -
‧ Global Landslide Catalog Aids View From Space
Gravity -
Receiver function -
‧ GLImER - Global Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake recordings
Ground motion data -
‧ Peer Ground Motion Database
Satellite image -
‧ 太遙中心衛星影像開放資料平台
‧ Nevada Geodetic Laboratory: MAGNET+Other GPS Networks Map
Exotic Seismic Events -
‧ IRIS Exotic Seismic Events Catalog (ESEC) Data Product

Instrument Centers:
‧ IRIS PASSCAL instrument center
‧ TEC儀器服務中心

Taiwan Real-Time System:
‧ Real-Time Moment Tensor Monitoring System
‧ Palert即時震度資訊
‧ TEC Data Center - Focal Mechanism

Geoscience Resources:
‧ IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
‧ Magmatism and Magmatic Rocks
‧ The Reference Earth Model Website
‧ 台大地質科學數位典藏計畫
‧ Taiwan Earthquake Model
‧ CIG - Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
‧ EarthScope - An Earth Science Program
‧ Slab1.0 - Slab models for worldwide subduction zones
‧ Global Vs30 Map
‧ Bathymetry Maps of Continental Margins
‧ CORSSA - The Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
Plate Motion Calculator
USGS Software to Download
Earthquake School in the Cloud
‧ Netlib Repository
‧ Antipodes Map
‧ IRIS DMC Google Map Service
‧ IRIS DMC MetaData Aggregator
‧ IRIS BUD - Near-real time miniSEED data holdings
‧ Event Plot Product Query
‧ EOS - Earth & Space Science News
‧ USGS Earth Explorer
‧ 台灣抗震網
‧ 公民震度回報系統
‧ 台灣地區地震科學資訊系統
‧ An intuitive seismic wave viewer
‧ Polezero visualization service by TECDC
‧ NOAA - World Data Service for Geophysics
‧ MERIT DEM: Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain DEM
‧ MGDS: Marine Geoscience Data System
‧ NASA Earth Science Disasters Program
‧ Interactive Map of Active Volcanoes and recent Earthquakes world-wide
‧ Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
‧ NCDR - National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
‧ Global Submarine Cable Map
‧ A nice gallery of wave propagation animations produced by Michael Throne

Online Books:
‧ An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structure
‧ Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory
‧ The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing

Open Source Tools:
‧ Linux
  鳥哥的Linux私房菜 | Makefile - A Tutorial | Linux shell scripting tutorial 
SAC (Seismic Analysis Code)
   User Guide | Tutorial by Zhigang Peng | Picking Demo by Charles Ammon
TauP (a seismic travel time calculator)
   Introduction by Peng
GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
   Introduction by Newman 
ZMAP (a statistic tool for earthquake spatial and temporal analysis)
   Cookbook | Introduction by Zuniga
‧ SOD (Standing Order for Data)
Paraview (a graphic software for visualizing the 3D structures)   
   User Guide Wiki | Example of VTK-file format
‧ SPECFEM3D (a spectral-element method for 3-D numerical waveform modeling)
‧ AxiSEM (an axial-symmetric spectral-element method for 3-D numerical waveform modeling)
‧ Vim editor (including the Windows version)
‧ MinGW (GNU gcc, gfortran, g++ compiler for Windows)
   64-bit package
‧ Oracle VM VirtualBox (cross-platform virtualization application)
   Online User Manual
‧ OpenACC (A simple way for researchers to accelerate scientific computing with GPU)
‧ Homebrew (The missing package manager for macOS)
‧ ObsPy (A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories)
‧ Syngine - On demand custom 3D AxiSEM synthetic seismograms
‧ Git (A distributed version control system)
   Book | Video | Github
‧ Environment Modules
‧ Crontab - A Unix/Linux job scheduler [more examples]
‧ Anaconda - The Most Popular Python Data Science Platform
   Note for tensorflow&Keras
‧ Earthworm - Real-time seismic processing system
‧ ringserver - A generic ring buffer and a SeedLink server
‧ MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server
‧ gnuplot - A portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux [1] [2] [3]

 Science (1) | SAdv ||  Nature | NGeo | NComms | SR (1) || PNAS ||  AREPS ||  RG |  JGR (4) |
 GRL (6) |  G3 | Tectonics | TN || BSSA (1) |  SRL ||  EPSL (2) |  Tectonophysics (3) |  JAES (4) |
 PEPI (1) | JVGR | Lithos | ESR | Icarus ||  GJI (2) || Geology (2) | Geosphere || Geophysics ||
 TAO (4) || SE || PAG | JS | EPS (1)  || TGRS || Astrobiology (1) ||  ADGEO ||  WPES (1)
* Number of articles published on the journals with my authorship is indicated in parenthesis
** Journals I have first- or corresponding-author articles are marked in red