Research Institutes:
‧ Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
‧ Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
‧ Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah
‧ Caltech Seismological Laboratory
‧ Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
‧ TEC - Taiwan Earthquake Research Center
‧ Central Geological Survey
‧ CIDER - Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research
‧ National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)
‧ Earth Science Research Promotion Center
Earthquake Bulletin:
‧ Central Weather Bureau
‧ USGS - US Geological Survey
‧ SCEC - Southern California Earthquake Data Center
Data Centers:
Earthquake -
‧ ISC - International Seismological Centre
‧ USGS - Search Earthquake Archives
Waveform -
‧ IRIS - Wilber3
‧ IRIS - WebRequest
‧ Palert waveform database
Focal mechanism -
‧ Global CMT Catalog Search
‧ BATS - Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology
‧ SCARDEC - Source Time Functions Database
Finite fault model -
‧ Finite-Source Rupture Model Database
Strong-motion data -
‧ Engineering Geological Database for TSMIP (EGDT)
‧ Strong Motion and Mobil Seismic Networks
Rotational seismology -
‧ Rotational seismology event database
Tsunami data -
‧ Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART)
Oceanography -
‧ 科技部海洋學門資料庫 (ODB)
Landslide -
‧ Global Landslide Catalog Aids View From Space
Gravity -
Receiver function -
‧ GLImER - Global Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake recordings
Ground motion data -
‧ Peer Ground Motion Database
Satellite image -
‧ 太遙中心衛星影像開放資料平台
‧ Nevada Geodetic Laboratory: MAGNET+Other GPS Networks Map
Exotic Seismic Events -
‧ IRIS Exotic Seismic Events Catalog (ESEC) Data Product
Instrument Centers:
‧ IRIS PASSCAL instrument center
‧ TEC儀器服務中心
Taiwan Real-Time System:
‧ Real-Time Moment Tensor Monitoring System
‧ Palert即時震度資訊
‧ TEC Data Center - Focal Mechanism
Geoscience Resources:
‧ IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
‧ Magmatism and Magmatic Rocks
‧ The Reference Earth Model Website
‧ 台大地質科學數位典藏計畫
‧ Taiwan Earthquake Model
‧ CIG - Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
‧ EarthScope - An Earth Science Program
‧ Slab1.0 - Slab models for worldwide subduction zones
‧ Global Vs30 Map
‧ Bathymetry Maps of Continental Margins
‧ CORSSA - The Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
‧ Plate Motion Calculator
‧ USGS Software to Download
‧ Earthquake School in the Cloud
‧ Netlib Repository
‧ Antipodes Map
‧ IRIS DMC Google Map Service
‧ IRIS DMC MetaData Aggregator
‧ IRIS BUD - Near-real time miniSEED data holdings
‧ Event Plot Product Query
‧ EOS - Earth & Space Science News
‧ USGS Earth Explorer
‧ 台灣抗震網
‧ 公民震度回報系統
‧ 台灣地區地震科學資訊系統
‧ An intuitive seismic wave viewer
‧ Polezero visualization service by TECDC
‧ NOAA - World Data Service for Geophysics
‧ MERIT DEM: Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain DEM
‧ MGDS: Marine Geoscience Data System
‧ NASA Earth Science Disasters Program
‧ Interactive Map of Active Volcanoes and recent Earthquakes world-wide
‧ Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
‧ NCDR - National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
‧ Global Submarine Cable Map
‧ A nice gallery of wave propagation animations produced by Michael Throne
Online Books:
‧ An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structure
‧ Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory
‧ The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
Open Source Tools:
‧ Linux
鳥哥的Linux私房菜 | Makefile - A Tutorial | Linux shell scripting tutorial
‧ SAC (Seismic Analysis Code)
User Guide | Tutorial by Zhigang Peng | Picking Demo by Charles Ammon
‧ TauP (a seismic travel time calculator)
Introduction by Peng
‧ GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
Introduction by Newman
‧ ZMAP (a statistic tool for earthquake spatial and temporal analysis)
Cookbook | Introduction by Zuniga
‧ SOD (Standing Order for Data)
‧ Paraview (a graphic software for visualizing the 3D structures)
User Guide Wiki | Example of VTK-file format
‧ SPECFEM3D (a spectral-element method for 3-D numerical waveform modeling)
‧ AxiSEM (an axial-symmetric spectral-element method for 3-D numerical waveform modeling)
‧ Vim editor (including the Windows version)
‧ MinGW (GNU gcc, gfortran, g++ compiler for Windows)
64-bit package
‧ Oracle VM VirtualBox (cross-platform virtualization application)
Online User Manual
‧ OpenACC (A simple way for researchers to accelerate scientific computing with GPU)
‧ Homebrew (The missing package manager for macOS)
‧ ObsPy (A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories)
‧ Syngine - On demand custom 3D AxiSEM synthetic seismograms
‧ Git (A distributed version control system)
Book | Video | Github
‧ Environment Modules
‧ Crontab - A Unix/Linux job scheduler [more examples]
‧ Anaconda - The Most Popular Python Data Science Platform
Note for tensorflow&Keras
‧ Earthworm - Real-time seismic processing system
‧ ringserver - A generic ring buffer and a SeedLink server
‧ MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server
‧ gnuplot - A portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux [1] [2] [3]
Science (1) | SAdv || Nature | NGeo | NComms | SR (1) || PNAS || AREPS || RG | JGR (4) |
GRL (6) | G3 | Tectonics | TN || BSSA (1) | SRL || EPSL (2) | Tectonophysics (3) | JAES (4) |
PEPI (1) | JVGR | Lithos | ESR | Icarus || GJI (2) || Geology (2) | Geosphere || Geophysics ||
TAO (4) || SE || PAG | JS | EPS (1) || TGRS || Astrobiology (1) || ADGEO || WPES (1)
* Number of articles published on the journals with my authorship is indicated in parenthesis
** Journals I have first- or corresponding-author articles are marked in red
‧ Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
‧ Department of Geosciences, National Taiwan University
‧ Department of Geology and Geophysics, University of Utah
‧ Caltech Seismological Laboratory
‧ Department of Geology, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
‧ TEC - Taiwan Earthquake Research Center
‧ Central Geological Survey
‧ CIDER - Cooperative Institute for Dynamic Earth Research
‧ National Center for Research on Earthquake Engineering (NCREE)
‧ Earth Science Research Promotion Center
Earthquake Bulletin:
‧ Central Weather Bureau
‧ USGS - US Geological Survey
‧ SCEC - Southern California Earthquake Data Center
Data Centers:
Earthquake -
‧ ISC - International Seismological Centre
‧ USGS - Search Earthquake Archives
Waveform -
‧ IRIS - Wilber3
‧ IRIS - WebRequest
‧ Palert waveform database
Focal mechanism -
‧ Global CMT Catalog Search
‧ BATS - Broadband Array in Taiwan for Seismology
‧ SCARDEC - Source Time Functions Database
Finite fault model -
‧ Finite-Source Rupture Model Database
Strong-motion data -
‧ Engineering Geological Database for TSMIP (EGDT)
‧ Strong Motion and Mobil Seismic Networks
Rotational seismology -
‧ Rotational seismology event database
Tsunami data -
‧ Deep-ocean Assessment and Reporting of Tsunamis (DART)
Oceanography -
‧ 科技部海洋學門資料庫 (ODB)
Landslide -
‧ Global Landslide Catalog Aids View From Space
Gravity -
Receiver function -
‧ GLImER - Global Lithospheric Imaging using Earthquake recordings
Ground motion data -
‧ Peer Ground Motion Database
Satellite image -
‧ 太遙中心衛星影像開放資料平台
‧ Nevada Geodetic Laboratory: MAGNET+Other GPS Networks Map
Exotic Seismic Events -
‧ IRIS Exotic Seismic Events Catalog (ESEC) Data Product
Instrument Centers:
‧ IRIS PASSCAL instrument center
‧ TEC儀器服務中心
Taiwan Real-Time System:
‧ Real-Time Moment Tensor Monitoring System
‧ Palert即時震度資訊
‧ TEC Data Center - Focal Mechanism
Geoscience Resources:
‧ IRIS - Incorporated Research Institutions for Seismology
‧ Magmatism and Magmatic Rocks
‧ The Reference Earth Model Website
‧ Taiwan Earthquake Model
‧ CIG - Computational Infrastructure for Geodynamics
‧ EarthScope - An Earth Science Program
‧ Slab1.0 - Slab models for worldwide subduction zones
‧ Global Vs30 Map
‧ Bathymetry Maps of Continental Margins
‧ CORSSA - The Community Online Resource for Statistical Seismicity Analysis
‧ Plate Motion Calculator
‧ USGS Software to Download
‧ Earthquake School in the Cloud
‧ Netlib Repository
‧ Antipodes Map
‧ IRIS DMC Google Map Service
‧ IRIS DMC MetaData Aggregator
‧ IRIS BUD - Near-real time miniSEED data holdings
‧ Event Plot Product Query
‧ EOS - Earth & Space Science News
‧ USGS Earth Explorer
‧ 台灣抗震網
‧ 公民震度回報系統
‧ 台灣地區地震科學資訊系統
‧ An intuitive seismic wave viewer
‧ Polezero visualization service by TECDC
‧ NOAA - World Data Service for Geophysics
‧ MERIT DEM: Multi-Error-Removed Improved-Terrain DEM
‧ MGDS: Marine Geoscience Data System
‧ NASA Earth Science Disasters Program
‧ Interactive Map of Active Volcanoes and recent Earthquakes world-wide
‧ Soil and Water Conservation Bureau
‧ NCDR - National Science and Technology Center for Disaster Reduction
‧ Global Submarine Cable Map
‧ A nice gallery of wave propagation animations produced by Michael Throne
Online Books:
‧ An Introduction to Seismology, Earthquakes, and Earth Structure
‧ Geophysical Data Analysis: Discrete Inverse Theory
‧ The Scientist and Engineer's Guide to Digital Signal Processing
Open Source Tools:
‧ Linux
鳥哥的Linux私房菜 | Makefile - A Tutorial | Linux shell scripting tutorial
‧ SAC (Seismic Analysis Code)
User Guide | Tutorial by Zhigang Peng | Picking Demo by Charles Ammon
‧ TauP (a seismic travel time calculator)
Introduction by Peng
‧ GMT (Generic Mapping Tools)
Introduction by Newman
‧ ZMAP (a statistic tool for earthquake spatial and temporal analysis)
Cookbook | Introduction by Zuniga
‧ SOD (Standing Order for Data)
‧ Paraview (a graphic software for visualizing the 3D structures)
User Guide Wiki | Example of VTK-file format
‧ SPECFEM3D (a spectral-element method for 3-D numerical waveform modeling)
‧ AxiSEM (an axial-symmetric spectral-element method for 3-D numerical waveform modeling)
‧ Vim editor (including the Windows version)
‧ MinGW (GNU gcc, gfortran, g++ compiler for Windows)
64-bit package
‧ Oracle VM VirtualBox (cross-platform virtualization application)
Online User Manual
‧ OpenACC (A simple way for researchers to accelerate scientific computing with GPU)
‧ Homebrew (The missing package manager for macOS)
‧ ObsPy (A Python Toolbox for seismology/seismological observatories)
‧ Syngine - On demand custom 3D AxiSEM synthetic seismograms
‧ Git (A distributed version control system)
Book | Video | Github
‧ Environment Modules
‧ Crontab - A Unix/Linux job scheduler [more examples]
‧ Anaconda - The Most Popular Python Data Science Platform
Note for tensorflow&Keras
‧ Earthworm - Real-time seismic processing system
‧ ringserver - A generic ring buffer and a SeedLink server
‧ MobaXterm - Enhanced terminal for Windows with X11 server
‧ gnuplot - A portable command-line driven graphing utility for Linux [1] [2] [3]
Science (1) | SAdv || Nature | NGeo | NComms | SR (1) || PNAS || AREPS || RG | JGR (4) |
GRL (6) | G3 | Tectonics | TN || BSSA (1) | SRL || EPSL (2) | Tectonophysics (3) | JAES (4) |
PEPI (1) | JVGR | Lithos | ESR | Icarus || GJI (2) || Geology (2) | Geosphere || Geophysics ||
TAO (4) || SE || PAG | JS | EPS (1) || TGRS || Astrobiology (1) || ADGEO || WPES (1)
* Number of articles published on the journals with my authorship is indicated in parenthesis
** Journals I have first- or corresponding-author articles are marked in red