My research materials including analyzed data, derived models, and developed scripts are shared here with whom interested in studying relevant topics. Feel free to download and welcome to contact me if you have any further question or feedback:
- NVN-PPn-H13 - 3-D crustal and uppermost mantle P-wave velocity model for Red River shear zone, northern Vietnam
- TW-PS-H14 - Taiwan 3-D velocity models from joint inversion of P- and S-wave data, and borehole logging data
- YS-P-H15 - Yellowstone 3-D model from joint inversion of local earthquake and teleseismic P-wave data
- matrix_inv.f90 - a subroutine to derive the analytic inverse matrix with Gaussian Elimination method
- auto_pick.ch1.1.3.f90 - an elementary SAC-linked program to auto-pick the phase arrivals using STA/LTA algorithm for one-channel seismogram
- xyz2vtk.f90 - a VTK-format converter for Paraview input