Hsin-Hua Huang (黃信樺)

Assistant Research Fellow
Institute of Earth Sciences, Academia Sinica
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Contact info
Address: 128, Sec. 2, Academia Road, Nangang, Taipei 11529, Taiwan
Office: R504
Phone: +886-2-27839910 ext: 1504
FAX: +886-2-27839871
E-mail: hhhuang@earth.sinica.edu.tw

Research interests
      My research interests lie in using primarily seismological methos to explore, image, and monitor the physical properties and 3-D geometry of multi-scale Earth structures, including seismogenic faults, magma reservoirs, orogenic architecture, subducting slabs, and inner core hemisphere from shallow to deep. Through that, we develop better understanding of the phenomena observed and the mechanisms behind for various tectonic problems. In the meantime, I am also devoted to studying and mitigating natural hazards such as directional strong shaking of earthquakes and slip behaviors of deep-seated landslides. My works can be summarized in some aspects as below. To whom might be interested, please click on the individual links below for more details:
Worked aspects:
Seismic tomography and multi-dataset joint inversion
Earthquake hazard mitigation
Seismotectonics and regional tectonic reconstruction
Unusual earthquake sequence and its tectonic implications
Full waveform inversion and modeling
> Body-wave seismic interferometry
Source properties and rupture behavior
> Time-lapse environmental monitoring

Prospective partners
      I am always looking for students and postdocs enthusiastic about exploring Earth structure and various seismotectonic topics (as listed above but not limited to)! Institute of Earth Science, Academia Sinica has strong multidisciplinary faculty, various professional facilities, and a highly international environment. You will be able to play with abundant data sets (some of them are fairly unique) from our maintaining networks including seismic, GPS, strainmeter, and infrasound arrays. Nankang is also a good place for people who would like to live with a balance between city and mountains, where you can keep a bit distance from busy tempo of city but are still convenient enough to access the modern beauty of Taipei. If you are interested in joining us, please find more information on our website and the international graduate program (TIGP). After reading those information, feel free to email me for opportunities or further questionsApplicants who have strong curiosity and good programing/mathematics background are particularly preferred.